There are a few things to note during pregnancy :
AVOID FOOD that could endanger such MATERNAL AND FETAL raw meat and eggs (not cooked), soft cheeses, milk is not dipasteriusasi, alcohol, soft drinks also cafein. Remember that during pregnancy and breastfeeding try to avoid fizzy drinks (any kind) because it was feared would interfere with cell growth.
DO NOT DIET DURING PREGNANCY Pregnancy is not the right time to your diet will only endanger the mother and baby. Diet during pregnancy will cause a lack of vitamins, minerals and other important during pregnancy. Weight gain in pregnancy is one good sign of a healthy pregnancy. Pregnant women who eat well will gain weight gradually, typically will deliver a healthy baby.
DINING WITH SERVING SMALL BUT OFTEN In the first trimester there were complaints of nausea usually vomiting (morning sickness), try to overcome by eating small portions but often, avoid spicy and greasy foods. Eat small portions but made several times is recommended every 4 hours. Remember though you are not hungry, but you need baby food / nutrition on a regular basis.
VITAMIN DRINKING PREGNANT MOM REGULARLY you eat foods that are sources of vitamins are best but if you believe your diet contains enough vitamins needed during pregnancy. K-OmegaSqua very good for pregnant and lactating mothers in addition to providing protection for pregnant women and fetuses because the function that will strengthen the uterus, can also increase the growth of brain cells so that the child will grow up healthy and intelligent. simply by taking K-vitamin every day OmegaSqua the daily needs of pregnant women and fetuses can be fulfilled without taking the others.
DRINKING WATER IS ENOUGH 8 glasses a day. Because you need enough fluids for you and your baby. 33% weight gain in pregnancy is a liquid. Fluid needed to build the baby's red blood cells for system circulation, the amniotic fluid. Your body also needs water during pregnancy to overcome constipation and regulate your body temperature.
Fiber, FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Perbanyaklah eating high-fiber foods, fruits and vegetables can help you overcome constipation during pregnancy. By making healthy eating, not just make a pregnant woman was fit and healthy, but also help the healthy development of your baby remember your baby's development depends on what you give and do for him.
Talk about a healthy body and mind one's intelligence, would not quit from the early formation of the various tools and vital organs of the fetus in the womb mother. Omega-3 vital role in supporting the health and prevent the emergence of degenerative diseases. Recent research even shows, the role of omega-3 since the fetus in the womb is required to the process of growing cells of the brain and intelligence of children.
Since the first week until the end of week 7, the period of the embryo, begins formation of various vital organs such as the fetal central nervous system and brain, heart, senses, genitals and others. If an interruption occurs during this period, the high-risk fetus will suffer morphological disturbance in various vital tool baby, at birth to adulthood.
Therefore, fetuses are in need of a variety of nutrients to support the process The optimal growth and health of his intelligence, especially acid Omega-3 for the formation of brain tissue. This is because fatty acids Omega-3 is very vital role in the process of growth of cells of the brain neurons to stock infant intelligence born.
Omega-3 also serves as the brain fatty acids. And supports the formation of the central nervous system and brain. Growth process brain neuron cells occurred at week 20 to 36, and enhanced until the baby was two years old. While the formation of brain tissue most requires a lot of energy (more than 70%) for the growth of the process and Asan intake of essential fats from the mother's body, therefore pregnant women require fatty acid intake of omega-3 is sufficient to help the process of growing brain cells and the intelligence of children.
OmegaSqua a health foods containing omega-3 that very nice and safe, used by Pregnant women to assist the process of growth fetus to healthy and smart. where fatty acid Omega-3 contained in OmegaSqua which is Omega-3 (EPA & DHA) from salmon fish Norway diperairan life that has Omega-3 levels highest. By because OmegaSqua very useful for pregnant woman in the fatty acid pencukupan Omega-3 to protect your baby stay healthy and smart.
How do I find a good Omega?
Keep your usual omega consumption in the freezer, if omega is frozen then the omega bad, you should choose another product, and K-OmegaSqua is the solution.
K-OmegaSqua is from salmon comes from Norway, which has the Omega 3 content is highest ie 70% to 40% ratio of EPA and DHA oils 30% and white sharks that live in the Pacific Ocean with a depth of 600-1000 meters with the environmental conditions without sunlight , high pressure and poor oxygen. K-OmegaSqua is a very useful supplement to help maintain heart health, skin and the human brain.
K-OmegaSqua contains three elements that work optimally and synergistically to maintain heart health, skin and brain.
Natural vitamin E is useful as an antioxidant that can prevent the formation of plaque on blood vessel walls, maintaining skin moisture and others. Very useful to increase the oxygen levels in cells and maintain healthy skin.
Lower cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood.
The pain and inflammation in people with rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, psoriasis, eczema, etc..
Maintain flexibility of blood vessels and reduce high blood pressure.
Maintain flexibility of blood vessels and reduce high blood pressure.
Prevent blockage of the arteries.
Prevent the occurrence of cancer.
Maintaining healthy skin from bacterial and fungal infection.
Regulate heart rate, so preventing heart attacks.
Enhance the body's defense system.
Preventing influenza disease and cough.
Accelerate wound healing, acne and other skin diseases.
In pregnant women, increased prevent excessive blood pressure during pregnancy, helps brain development and increased fetal body weight and prevent premature birth.
Help regeneration of nerve cells that die as in the diabetic and the elderly.
prevent asthma attacks.
Each softgel contains:
Omega 3 (500 mg)
EPA (40%)
DHA (30%)
Squalene (500 mg)
Vitamin E (Natural) (3 IU)
Adult: 2 x 2 softgel (taken before meals)
Children: 1-2 x 1 softgel (taken before meals)
1 bottle 30 softgel contents @ 1000 mg
for reservations call irinne.solihat @
Hopefully this information can help you during pregnancy.
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